Thursday, 14 July 2011

The phone hacking scandal

The whole country has been shocked by the revelations about the phone hacking scandal. What has gone on is simply disgusting. But this scandal is not just about some journalists on one newspaper. 

It's not even just about the press. It's also about the police. And it's also about how politics works.

Last week I wrote to the media regulator Ofcom to ask them to consider whether Murdoch is a fit and proper media owner.

I also wrote to Independent Non-Executive Board Directors of BSkyB to ask them to reconsider the deal with News International until after all the investigations have been completed.

I took your concerns to the Prime Minister.

Yesterday, I joined the debate in Parliament and supported the motion: “That this House beleives that it is in the public interst for Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation  to withdraw their bid for BSkyB.” I am delighted that is exactly what has happened.

I am pleased with the comprehensive and decisive action the Government has taken. Here is a link to the Statement that the Prime Minister made in Parliament yesterday that describes what is going to happen next.

The Terms of Reference for the Judge led inquiry can be found here

I will be ensuring that no stone is left unturned in the investigations and reviews out-lined. It is vitally important that public confidence and trust is restored in the Police, the Press as well as politics.

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